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After a much need hiatus Shawn is back on the stage saying horrible things you'll feel guilty for laughing at!   

Remember, Shawn is available for private engagements and can even produce a full comedy show at your venue!  Contact Shawn for more details!  

Tickets are on sale Saturday July 24th @ 10 AM!  
General Admission Tickets are $15
There is no Fee if you purchase tickets using 
Paypal  or Venmo! 

Make sure you use the PERSONAL Option

and not the business option!  
There is a 55 cent fee for credit card purchases!

If you are purchasing tickets and would like to be seated with others please include their names in the notes!  Large parties are encouraged to purchase tickets ASAP!  You can also email Shawn @ We will do our best to accommodate!  

Food and drinks are available during the show.  

If you would like to have dinner before the show, please indicate the number in your party and the time of arrival. 


purchase your tickets below BY CHOOSING; CREDIT CARD, PAYPAL OR VENMO. 

  A 55 cent fee applies.  For Credit Card Payments! 
Click the button to purchase tickets using Paypal! 
To avoid a fee DO NOT select the business option!  Use the personal option! 
In the NOTE section leave your full name and email to receive a confirmation! 
Your name and ticket(s) will be held at the door.  
VENMO - For Mobile Use Only! 
Click the button to purchase tickets using Venmo! 
To avoid a fee DO NOT select the business option!  Use the personal option! 
In the NOTE section leave your full name and email to receive a confirmation! 
Your name and ticket(s) will be held at the door.   Again, Venmo will only work with the app!

nEED a vacation?  click here! 

nEED a dj?  click here! 

The Ladies are taking over Margarita City on Friday August 20th!  Join us for a night of laughs!  With Comedians...

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Lauren Turczak

Lauren has been seen from here to NYC and beyond!   A mom, wife and manager of a retail outlet, Lauren shares stories about her life and how she tries to cope!  Lauren will have you laughing the entire time.   If she doesn't, please remember, there are no refunds! 

Erin Harkes

Erin has been performing for years now, traveling across the country for both music and comedy.  She's won best comedian several times in the Times Union Readers Poll.  When she's not making annoying bar patrons cry Erin is usually performing music as both a solo artist , as the lead singer of her big band or on stage doing standup!  Erin hosts her own show called Chicks Are Funny which usually is a sold out show at The Funny Bone.  Read more about Erin at 

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Dee Watson

Dee has been been performing for 20 years and has been seen in many states including the Chicago Womens funny festival!  She was also featured on News Channel 13!  This comedy pro is also a mom and wife and makes G rated comedy funny!   You'll see why she's lasted in the business this long!    (I would mention how she was featured on Channel 6 as well but she doesn't like me to bring up that segment.  I think it was called the Perp Patrol. 

Jennifer McMullen

HR Director and a mom by day, Comedian by night Jennifer will have you in stitches!  You never know what is going to come out of her mouth!  Jenn has won mutlipe comedy contests, has performed in multiple states and is a regular and The funnybone!  Jenn also loves chocolate.  

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Hosted By

Shawn is a radio and mobile DJ and has his own travel company.  Shawn talks about his struggles in life, the terrible things that come out of his mouth even when he doesn't want them to and what its like being a new(er) husband.  Shawn has been performing for over 10 years and has performed from here to Hawaii.  Sounds pretty amazing until you realize you're buying tickets to see him in the backroom of a Mexican restaurant in Albany.   

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